Weed and Machetti Welcome to Hell Weed and Machetti

La Cygne, KS

Often called "Latrine", probably due to the smell in the air, or just because it sounds the same. La Cygne means "The Swan" and I've never seen swans around here. On top of the hill going toward La Cygne, there's a huge Hollywood style sign that says "LACYGNE", one word. I need a picture of that sign. It reminds me of Cadmus, when the sign said "Cadumus" or "Cadamus", I forget which, but people still say "cad-uh-muss".

Here you see a coal fired power plant... what better a place to pollute? Now, that's not pollution, it's just steam... at least that's what we're told. Brown steam, brown steam that can be seen for hundreds of miles on a windy day. Know anyone with respiratory problems or cancer that live near here? I'll bet you do!
LaTrine Steam Breathe Deeply! LaTrine Steam

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